Water Safety

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water-safetyA day at the pool is a great way to spend time with your kids and cool off from the hot Texas weather.

Just remember, children can drown in a foot of water. The CDC states that drowning is the leading cause of accidental deaths among children ages one to four and the second leading cause of death for children under the age of fourteen. Never turn your back while they are in the water. If you have a toddler, keep a hand on them at all times while in the pool or be within arm's length. Do not rely on floatation devices (floaties, tubes, rafts) to keep your child safe.

If you have a swimming pool at home:

If you are considering swimming lessons, enroll by age 8. Children are usually ready by age 4. Infant water programs should teach water fun not swimming. Infant programs that submerge your baby's head for more than a few seconds should be avoided. Babies can swallow enough water to cause seizures and brain damage. As parents, we want to keep our children safe at all times. Don't assume that because your child took swimming lessons that they are safe.


For more information from the AAP: http://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-play/Pages/Water-Safety-And-Young-Children.aspx

Article from Children's Medical Center: http://www.childrens.com/PatientsFamilies/News/dad-comes-home-to-child-being-revived.cfm


Enjoy your summer and have fun!